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HAMMER leader featured on podcast

headshot of Glenn Daehn

Glenn Daehn, HAMMER ERC Principal Investigator (PI), recently appeared on The Peggy Smedley Show podcast to discuss HAMMER’s vision.

On the episode, Daehn discusses how hybrid uses multiple processes and explains how this will help create a new future. He also talks about the importance of local production and how to leapfrog what has been done in the past.

“The problem is over the last few decades we have been importing more than we have been exporting,” said Daehn. “…It’s hard to innovate the next generation if you are not practicing this current generation of technology, but we think there are some opportunities to leapfrog what’s been done in the past. That’s what we are hoping to do, is to be able to bring in new manufacturing capabilities.”

HAMMER’s plan to educate the next generation of workers in the future of manufacturing is also explained.

To listen to the episode, click here.